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Friday, July 24, 2009

Kilencedik nap - Day 9

Day 9 was when we headed back to Budapest. Anna's friends drove us and we stopped in the town of Eger where the 'Bulls blood' wine comes from. There's a whole story behind the name:

The story of Bull's Blood Wine began in the fall of 1552. Castle Eger, located in Eger, Hungary, was under attack by over 2,000 invading Ottoman Turks. Totally surrounded by the ensuing army, a group of 200 Hungarians, consisting partly of women and children, were able to defeat the attackers.

One version of the story tells how the Hungarians, who were hopelessly outnumbered, began drinking a deep red wine to give them strength and courage. The wine spilled over onto the men's beards and armor, coloring them red. Word spread among the Turks that the Hungarians had been drinking the blood of bulls, and that the Hungarians would be a formidable and fierce fighting machine. The Turks, being naturally superstitious, began spreading rumors of a terrible fate. The battle was broken off and the Turks retreated.

Here's Rob posing with an oversized bottle of Bull's Blood :-)

The Basilica

At the wine festival


Turkish Minaret tower: The Minaret is actually a covered staircase. You go up and there's a balcony from where you can wave down and look around. It's scary and exciting and it is not for those with a fear of heights :-)

In the Eger Castle with the Minaret and the town in the background

Tomorrow is our last day and we will try to go see the Parliement, and it is also shopping for 'chatchka' day LOL

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